Friday, September 28, 2007

In France

We are in France now. There is good bread here. Mom bought us little cats. And Sofie lost hers. They are really pretty.


Lynne said...

Je suis heureux que vous ayez l'amusement. La France a-t-elle le bon fromage à aller avec du bon pain?

mimulus said...

Hi Anja!

Did your mom buy you real live kittens or softies? Hope Sophie finds her's. I bet the bread is fantastic there! I wish I could join you for a bowl of hot chocolat and bread at a nearby cafe. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

from your friends
Ben and Claire

jolly4 said...

Wow Anja,
What an adventure. The guy with the fire sounds really interesting. I cannot wait to hear about your next adventure.

boz said...

i just talked to you all on the skype. i'm getting used to talking to a computer. looking forward to hearing your next post,, boz